3E Services, Inc. is an Industrial Electronic Repair Solutions Provider. We consult with and evaluate the needs of engineering and maintenance departments of major manufacturing plants to help them find the best solutions for the repair challenges they face with their electronic equipment. Typically the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) of the equipment is focused on selling you their newest line, not in keeping your current line running. In these tough economic times, do you need more bells and whistles, or do you just need to keep the wheels of production rolling?

Our Mission:

The Mission of 3E Services, Inc., is to constantly improve turnaround processes, repair & surplus quality, and capability that focuses on increasing the customer’s equipment uptime & reliability.

Our Vision:

An experienced team of 3E associates strategically placed throughout the United States ready, willing & able to assist and consult in providing solutions to get you back up and running ASAP, and keep you there!

Our Values:

We are focused on developing win-win repair solutions and options for our customers by requiring all of our associates to adhere to the following uncompromising corporate principles:

  • Honesty In All Communication.
  • Fair & Courteous Business Relationships.
  • Rapid Response to Your Specific Need.