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Month: January 2020

Top Costly Mistakes To Avoid While Remodeling Your Home

Top Costly Mistakes To Avoid While Remodeling Your Home

Remodeling your home, particularly the kitchen and bathrooms, can not only add value but also give you considerable comfort and pleasure. And yet, remodeling horror stories abound. If you don’t want to be the lead character in a remodeling horror story, avoid the top four mistakes homeowners make.

Hiring a contractor too quickly

Even if a contractor is referred by a friend or neighbor, you still need to interview them for your particular job. What your friend considers outstanding work may not meet your standards.

Does the contractor have the required licensing, experience, and awareness for the job you want. It’s best to hire a contractor who lives and or works in your city because codes vary from city to city. That way, they are likely to be familiar with the inspection process.

Ask for photos of past work and references. Then actually call the references and ask the best and worst experiences they had in working with this contractor. A key question is did he show up on time or call when he was delayed.

Be clear on what you want, and be sure it’s stated in your written agreement.

Be sure your written agreement spells out when the work will begin and when it is projected to end, and at which stages payments will be made.

Trusting your contractor to find all the subcontractors.

While you may hire a contractor to do the big jobs, you don’t have to use all the subcontractors recommended by your contractor. Interview them too and decide for yourself if they are a good match for you.

Do the work to find your own workers for the parts your main contractor doesn’t do, especially when you’re doing a major remodeling that involves flooring, painting, all new appliances, electrical rewiring, plumbing and more.

Top Costly Mistakes To Avoid While Remodeling Your Home

Leaving too many decisions up to the contractor.

The contractor may know construction and tools, but only you know what you want. You get to decide where you want the electrical outlets and the type of light fixtures. If you leave these up to many contractors, they’ll just install the cheapest or most convenient for them to attain.

No matter how detailed your written agreement, there will be many small decisions to make along the way.

The biggest mistake you can make when remodeling is being unavailable and inaccessible while the work is being done.

This is NOT a time to take a vacation. If possible, stay in your home or nearby. Give the contractor your cell phone, so you can be easily reached. Monitor the progress and ask questions immediately about work that seems to be out of keeping with what you agreed to. Don’t add new tasks as the contractor goes along unless you want to modify the written agreement and add to the costs.

Don’t sign off and pay the final payment until you are satisfied that the work has been done according to your agreement.When you avoid these four common mistakes, remodeling your home can be a timely and satisfying experience.

How Do You Choose The Right Carpet Cleaning Company Near You

How to Choose The Right Carpet Cleaning Company

When it comes to carpet cleaning at home, you want to choose the right carpet cleaning company. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps that you must take before choosing a carpet cleaning company. Carpets require regular cleaning due to natural wear, spills, and other phenomena. If you have children or pets, carpet cleaning will likely be carried out more often than not. That’s why it is important to choose the right carpet cleaning company for your needs. Below are some things you can consider when choosing a carpet cleaning company near your area.


Everyone can create a company that does everything, but not everyone can manage the company of the expected quality, so make sure that the cleaning company can confirm their experience. You must be careful that the experience is not necessarily the job that you want, so explain that you must do what you can boast of.


Every good cleaning company will have References to support your business, so ask for some names you can call and double-check the company or check the website for links. Under the new rules, the ASA is prohibited from making false advertisements, so if you find a suspect, go out and find someone else. Also, talk with people in your area because there will be many people who can be reached, and although they may be more expensive, at least you will know that good work will be ensured.

Range of Services

Although you may want to clean your antique carpet, a company that you think can do it; you may not be able to do it, so make sure you are specific with what you want and tell the cleaners everything you may need to ask wisely before making an offer. Also, when they get home, make sure you expect them to do what they were told because collecting extra work and paying them will not work very well.

Cost / Availability

There is an old saying that you pay for what you get in life, and although this may be true, you sometimes have to approach more broadly when it comes to choosing the right company and getting the best price. The best cleaning companies invest in equipment of the highest quality, which means that they will be more expensive, so it is important to calculate the cost of work and the quality that you will get based on the results.

Cleaning Technique and Solutions

Hazardous chemicals and solutions that pollute the environment and cause health problems are used to clean carpets. Therefore, it is better to choose a company that uses environmentally friendly solutions and equipment. These solutions are not only beneficial to human health and the environment but also play an important role in extending the life of your carpets.

It is important to obtain a written agreement before cleaning the carpet. You want to make sure that the carpet is effectively cleaned as recommended by the company. If the company tries to charge you extra, you will have a written contract. When choosing a carpet cleaning company, make sure you get the best service at the best price. You can be sure that your carpet will be cleaned and look new.


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